tau codex pdf 8th

Missile Broadsides are a lot tougher, but clock in at near 200pts with HYMP+SMS. Like the similar Vostroyan doctrine, this is helpful in keeping your units at the half range out of enemy charges more than it is sending shots far downfield (although they can do that, too). Costs 30 points on the Stormsurge and a whopping, This has the same effect as shooting at a target with 4 markerlight counters on it, but getting 4 markerlights takes an average of 8 pathfinders. A handful of Str 5 shots with no AP is not doing any characters, even if they hit on 3's. Deep strikers can hit you in your tender bits? If you like not having friends, point out it does not require you to be in melee. And this seems like an overly complicated way to get around that one issue (refer back to point #3). Can't really comment on the Tau as I haven't got any of their previous codexes. The T’au Empire is spreading, its boundless ambitions yet to be checked. They are certainly looking good but not some of the broken terribleness we've seen in the past. If it has a Recon Drone riding along in the Top Hatch area, all guns ignore cover. Single. Yes. Especially since a lot of the characters you will want to target are sitting on 3+ wounds with decent saves. like shooting and battlemechs, and being an optimist in a crapsack universe. Still a very weak solution to a niche problem compared to how many loyalist marines you should expect to face, but know that you at least have something you can do instead of just give them light pats. It does depend upon what you are shooting. Tidewall fortifications are… weird. Suddenly your unit is a blob of rail-and-missile death that can cause problems for almost everything. Will Markerlight hits from one unit help a second unit hit it with Markerlights? 30" double taps anyone? For one, everytime they shoot something at a drone, that means they're not shooting at a more valuable unit. This stratagem can allow you to keep your generic re-roll stratagem for another use in the phase (for example, re-roll to hit for a railgun or a fusion blaster). This is whining, it isn't even sensible whining. Having choices in a game is good, and having difficult choices is great. 8th Edition. 8th Edition. Not useless at direct combat in any way, but three Stealth suits with Burst cannons cost you 66 pts where single Crisis suit with the same firepower costs 18 pts less. If they did, they would have neither a Str not AP at all. These are gonna be everywhere. AND they don’t serve a purpose during over watch anymore. Any “C” value in a datasheet refers to the official Codex … I was trying to say that if I played to win games then I'd be playing Eldar or DA since those were (in 7th edition) two armies with some of the most broken units. I’d give the rules a B- You can allocate as the hits come in. The Stormsurge is surprisingly slow, all things considered- thankfully it doesn't lose speed as it degrades, at least. If you can get another Commander with Fusion Blades in range, so much the better. All your units should be supporting one another. It only ever stopped being a thing when it became way too easy to blow light units out of cover. Ghostkeels can't bring regular drones; Stealth suits bring two, and their Shas'vre can get a target locked markerlight. Pathfinders have dropped to just FIVE points each. For 134 points (70 Dronering + 40 4x Marker Drones + 24 Marksmen points) that has enough room to hold 9 other guys, Breacher Teams recommended. Adding…, Huh, Promising Pupil isn't barred from Named Characters (And it's weirdly Sept Locked... To what Sept who knows? Then again, this has always been the issue with Railheads. ), There's an additional loss - if the warlord isn't Farsight Enclaves, then I lose the option of taking Talisman of Arthas Moloch in relevent matchups.…, Have Aun’Shi be your Warlord to get Academy Luminary (+1 Command Point, 9" Moral Aura). Yeah baby. 1. Note that units lose their ability to fire Overwatch again this turn if they use this rule. I like it. Farsight maintains his combat status- good for a Tau, but no match for the big boys in other factions. Seekers are fine doing one mortal wound, but with wound counts inflating so far up a "main armament" of six Seekers is basically gonna do absolutely nothing to any real target. Speaking of different game types, Breachers are pretty handy in Cities of Death and should also find a place in Zone Mortalis (when GW pulls their finger out and update that ruleset for 8th), what with Breachers being designed for indoor/CQB an' all. Like, accoring to that, technically a crisis suit can take an Ion Cannon and whatnot. A lot of 8th edition is focused on synergy, so be sure to knock out synergy units with your superior firepower. Your list should be a Superheavy Aux, Battallion and if you can squeeze one in, one more detachment that gives CP. Can be a great late game objective grabber if you position it right. There is a new kit right? Seriously, every other Tau player looked at this and got excited. He set up a series of worlds that would become known as the Farsight Enclaves. For example, you can bring trios of, Crisis suits are your most efficient source of. It will give you more choices. You are very reliant on Stratagems. I mean promising pupil is just the generic Viorla Warlord trait anyhow... You could put it on anyone if you want. If you can squeeze another one in there go for it, but if you can't just take one more detachment with smaller requirements. And I think it's clear that Special Characters, their stuff is included. I'm leaning towards slightly more positive though. Geez. So in the rare case, his strength is adjusted (like via an enemy psychic power), the S4 attacks will remain S4, while the other profile will adjust to his current strength. There are no more mixed model unit as far as I see. Other than the Master of War ability, of course… d'oh. I sure as hell wouldn't be playing Tau. Expect to burn through CP like no tomorrow. You can have everyone in the Orca fan out around it now instead of being limited to the rear ramp. What justifies that? Ion on the Hammerhead seems a lot better than the Railgun now. man Longstrike gets bonuses to everything, don't he? Heavy 12 S6 AP-2 on the nova mode for HBC is pretty brutal, though it seems hard to compete with the Ion's d6 hits for d3 damage each if you wanna murder some big stupid guys. KE'LSHAN Sept has no rules, but it has got at least one person in it. The cruelest reality of this unit is that it looks ugly as sin, find shapeways options to make it look like it's not taking a dump on the battlefield. Combine that with Target Lock and Multi Tracker and perhaps some marker lights and the Ion Discharge cannon becomes far more accurate. One final note, this guy draws a lot of fire. 1 MW at BS 4. So in melee, Tau will be fine defensively provided the opponent isn't overly focused on melee. That is true, but 7th wasn't one of those editions. Wargear costs are included in the value for any model with fixed gear; those with optional gear have to pay points for it. So no more drones in crisis units. Simply declare an advance, move like an inch, and then laugh your ass off as you break the game by shooting a Heavy weapon on a 2+. Perhaps its my love of the "Buffmander," but I don't see how he contributes to the force in any synergistic way. In that case the 75pt triple plasma crisis is gonna be my default for comparison. That's fine, cinematically, but also, I DON'T CARE. H U G E. Whether you can get enough firepower to light up two units and have enough shooting remains to be seen but I agree with Puppy, 3x5x Pathfinders chilling in cover seems like an early thing. The changes to drones make a lot more sense if there was an overall ruling against mixed units. Do note Shadowsun, who can now be used with any sept, is. I now need double the marker lights to do anything. Ignoring that issue completely, a 155 point hammerhead brings 1 rail gun while a ~ 200 predator brings 4 lascannons. The Ion looks ot be better than the Rail, to my eyes. This can make it hard on you if you want to mix septs in your army. It's Move-Shoot-Move, with everything that entails. My points are as follows: This setup leaves them with just their armour save, but it poses a risk to anything on the board. Stack Kauyon and Command and Control node to wipe your opponent's vehicles off the map turn one. Your one Missile Drone controlling an objective despite a tide of Orks/Nids nearby is absolutely worth the token few points. (cheaper, cover usage, los block, less morale issues, more firepower). 1) I don't mean they function wrong necessarily. Though your marker lights should be doing that anyways. That is 3 HQs for the price of 1. Also, the only gun for crisis suits that actually does work with this sept. Pick a thing that really needs murdering, murder it". The T’au Empire is spreading, its boundless ambitions yet to be checked. Burst cannons were 4 shots since 6th edition, though if you're like me your head might still be stuck in the 4th edition codex haha. In fact, triple Battalion even gets you more CP than Brigade + 2x of Outrider/Spearhead/Vanguard, which is the other option you’re likely to look at. Love that 16" move, too. Multitracker is reroll 1s to hit if you fire all your guns at the same target. He hits on twos and is a very hide-able character. Good point, you can split fire now with pathfinder teams, that's useful. This lets you run lean on Markerlight platforms or devote more of them to the rest of your BS 4+ army that won’t be shooting at the same things your super special suits will. For whatever reason it's not posted here, but the Devilfish has pretty beefy defensive stats. Broadsides with target locks are probably going to be the standard. Broadsides). It is your enemy who will try to reach you in melee; many times they will succeed. Target them first with a guard squad, kill them. Then target the suits who now have their arses hanging out, a few lucky d3 or d6 damage shots will blow away that 200+ point investment. You don't? Yes, that is absolutely correct, well said. They are terrible Offensively in melee, but defensively they will last. Also note that Vespid and Kroot can never benefit from either effect, due to them not having. Description. Now that the leaks are up for other factions, the increase of the Tau suits seems waaaay above the increase other armies are seeing. 5 out of 5 stars (4) 4 product ratings - Codex: Tau Empire - Warhammer 40k - Brand New! Not all of them have any application, but the Dal'yth Tenet is especially useful for unmoving Fortifications. If you prefer to keep them close to their missile bubblewrap, consider taking heavy Rail rifle broadsides, two with shield generators/velocity trackers and the Shas'Vre taking a drone controller. Markerlight system is annoying due to being forced to progress through each stage on a table, with the holy grail of +1BS requiring five ML hits. If the T’au Empire becomes a mostly Ballistic Skill 3 army, there is significantly less need for a Markerlight table similar to the one I discuss above. There is some consolation in the fact that all drones are quite cheap now (relative to suits). They also have Photon Grenades that do no damage, but any Hit. If you are playing FSE, remain aggressive and remember that you have some decent CC options of your own, and nothing throws off your enemy than charging with a Fusion Blade commander and/or Farsight. But maybe you'd rather have Shield Drones for that, since they have the invuln and typically what you want to be pawning off from you battlesuits is the big hits like Lascannons, Missiles, et al? It looks like drones do benefit from the Ethereal morale bonuses unless I'm missing something. Remember, wound allocation happens before damage- so your Riptide or Broadside can pawn off that Lascannon hit onto its poor, stupid Gun Drone friend. 6th and 7th were the age of mass str 7 dakka. Against most shooty armies it is safer in close combat than it is in the open getting fired on. He still wants to be part of a "squadron" of Hammerheads, though. The other systems affect their shooting, which may be a job best left to the real combat units: What would an enemy flyer care about being shot at with a gun that wounds it on 5's, has no AP and deals single damage, even if you do hit it on a 4+ with a velocity tracker? Darkstrider can give a target -1T for one infantry's shooting attacks. Get the best deals on tau codex when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Also wouldn't expect to be firing seeker missiles at BS4. The real question is, can you resist using a white paint scheme and painting red crosses on the drones. With chapter approved she dropped 57 points to 110 points, while she still takes up the commander "slot" for that detachment with the point decrease her ability to declare ', She got a new battlesuit in The Greater Good, and consequently has modified rules. But the bonuses are trash. Search for videos, audio, pictures and other files Search files Still, that's more than enough to scare most troop choices shitless. 2D3 S7 AP-1 3D is insane. Third salvo can make the next unit just a bit easier to hit and provide redundancy to the other two being reduced in size. Now a unit of 3 with dual double barrelled burst cannons costs 216, while unloading 48 shots at the enemy. And the army is trash now sooooo ya know, polishing a turd still means it’s a piece of shit. No probably not. Crisis and Commanders can take a lot of guns now- but not the Coldstar, that poor sap. The duration our regular photons cry out in dismay for. I stand corrected…. Surveying Traverse Practical Report December 2019 183. Ghostkeels have lots of 18" guns but also want to keep their distance from the enemy; bodyblock them with Stealth suits, which get -1 to be hit even in melee. In addition, Markerlight counters are no longer used up for their effects, so you can really pour focused fire onto a lit target - but make sure you actually do make use of them once placed, because they'll be gone at the end of the Shooting phase (or the Charge phase if you're shooting them on Overwatch). Vor'la sept tenet grants a similar effect, but doesn't work on Heavy weapons. You can pump out a lot of mortal wounds if you build around Destroyer Missiles and Rail weapons. Stealth Suits seem pretty good? Doesn't the player allocate wounds to a model then roll the save for said model? cry? I am NOT arguing with you over whether it's strong or not. The Codex limits you to taking only one Commander per detachment in Matched Play (as of The Greater Good, you can take 2 if using the Farsight Enclaves), as a relic of a time before the rule of 3 existed. It’s no Eldar, but no one wanted that (Tau players included), but it seems like a rush job. Still, I was unsure about the drones at 13 points but for 10 points I think they're a steal. The FAQ changed the AP of the default close combat weapon to "0", so this now affects the melee on the suits. Thematically, Bork'an is the brains of the Empire. I approve of this sentiment. If you are upset with the 1 commander suit per detachment, remember you can take a cheap vanguard or auxiliary detachment to shoehorn in a second commander. Maybe not huge, but drop a Land Raider or Dreadnought down so you can pummel it with Missile Pods or something? Still the point I was trying to make. Or am I missing something? Notably, he doesn't have to sit still to use his bonus shots anymore- using Mont'ka to advance and then fire off your Pulse Carbines for triple shots is no joke. And you can just buy loose drone squads. Seriously, stop saying I'm "being an ass" every time you disagree with me. Space Communists have now shared a complete look at the Tau Codex, including the all-important points cost. Welcome to the 40K Build-A-Bear Workshop. Likewise with the pathfinder grav drone – any smart opponent will split fire a few models to kill it before charging. She can now take one of two different types of fusion blasters. Will need to actually play some games to figure out where the balance point is :O, Keep in mind Devs are rocking a 2+ sitting in cover and can't be dragged down by multi-damage weapons, nor do their statlines degrade (other than potentially losing heavy weapons at the last four guys. Be very selective with where they are being dropped however, you only get four of them. Possibly, but that is why shield generators have traditionally (for tau anyway) been expensive – the decision on whether or not to see the benefit of a purchased ability is in the owners hands, not the opponents. Even if your opponent does the smart thing and targets the drones first they'll have to chew through a bunch of T4 4++ models which isn't as easy at it seems. The pulse rifles still have range but the pulse carbines will be getting more shots off. All of the new updates and codices/psychic awakening have attempted to improve the space chickens, though they will typically find few roles other than meat shields. Vior'la allows you to fire your weapons after advancing without penalty. Viable Ta'unar play is risky, as you will lose the game if it dies (hard if you have at least 12 drones) or even if it gets charged (easy without screening) meaning you have to make the most optimized list that 800 will allow. I could see myself getting lots of Cadre Fireblades because A) Probably the easiest way to get a dependable markerlight B) help fill out whatever detachments I feel like for cheap. Without an invulnerable save he doesn't have very good survivability. -2 to hit if you're outside of 12" is absolutely huge, and you can pawn lucky hits off on a drone. Do we know what's happened to JSJ? And still, they are better now in every imaginable situation than in 7th. About all it does is discourage deepstrike assaults. Bork'an Sept: Our 30" guns buff out to 36" due to the Sept tenet. If you do not expect to overcharge, consider 3 BC+ATS instead. If GW really, REALLY wanted drones to be capable of operating independently they should have got rid of "drone support" and "savior protocols" and simply added ONE rule which let individual drones break off from the unit and form their own. There is plenty of content to keep one busy for a while and of course, current rules and lore. I dunno about the devilfish but Hammerheads to me look AMAZING. the ignores cover will give units like Scouts fits, and if you REALLY focus on a unit and get those five ML tokens built up they are in for a bad day (hitting on 3+s reroll 1s for most all units.) Any time someone shoots a lascannon at you, you can simply divert all 6 wounds onto your lame gun drone and laugh as your full-hp riptide rips them a new one. Isaac Asimov - The Fun They Had November 2019 68. Succintly geared towards battlesuit use, which have the speed to get up close and the resilience to survive: their flamers (including the Y'varha's) and fusion blasters (especially fusion cascades) will thank you. It's too many points for too little return. Eldar rangers outclass them by being natively better in almost every single way – and they don't need two other units around just to be half decent. Virtual army wide BS 4+ meaning the so called "Ranged experts" of the galaxy are only as good as your off the line Imperial grunt without markerlight support. Remember that you can detach the gun drones if you use the Devilfish for late game objective grabbing, which increases the number of models holding it from 1 to 3 and makes it much harder for the other player to contest it. Invuln is a 5++, increased to 3++ if you Nova for it. If you're buying these just for the guns, remember that 76 points for a minimum size unit of these with two cannons each (6 wounds, 16 shots) would have bought you nine Gun drones (9 wounds and 36 shots) or eight Gun Drones and a Shield Drone (9 wounds, 32 shots and a 4++ until you take your first wound) with four points left over for a Kroot Hound too. Damage stat is definitely important but a lot of the weapons that have more than 1 are really quite pricy or short ranged, so taking too many of them is really going to cut into your shot volume. My favourite part: All Benefits are cumulative. Tanks don't seem that good generally, particularly the devilfish. The Aeldariotherwise known as the Eldarare all about elegance, efficiency, finesse, style, and precision, and are basically alone in this aesthetic among the races of Warhammer 40, In the game, the Eldar are a fast army with great guns, awesome toys and the resilience of strawberry shortcake. Even without the rerolls or anything I think the gun drones are a great unit now. Ironically this then means replacing weapons give you a price discount (see Broadsides and SMS vs Plasma Rifles). T7, W13, 3+ save, and one or two special rules I couldn't read. Also, For the Greater Good nee Supporting Fire didn't really change at all. I sincerely hope rules for jet pack units come out restoring JSJ, otherwise crisis suits lost a big part of their flavour and a big chunk of their survivability. I like this because it keeps tau as kinda the enemy of the super heavies. Would most likely be firing them from a hammerhead at 3+, more likely with 2+ wtih Longstrike nearby. But yeah, memory is fuzzy either way. It provides durability to the pathfinders, and they provided the needed ballistic skill improvements to the gunrig. **Note** this one might seem useless at first, since most of the time your Pathfinders are going to be camping in cover, and even when they're not you're still going to want to shoot their markerlights. Your units are confusing to non-Tau and are. *tinfoil hat goes on* It's all a conspiracy to make us buy the newer, larger crisis suits!!!! Sad they don't get the possibility of mortal wounds like SM Sniper Rifles do, though. Gotta move 20" every turn, degrading statline. On the tabletop, they play like the classic gunline, blasting anything they see to pieces, and anything that tries to get close will very soon find that charging basically is a second shooting phase for you. Note that it says after the enemy charged, and that you roll a D6 for every model in the unit within 3" of your model. For the Greater Good is now a rule that comes at a price; a unit can choose to join in with another nearby (6″) unit’s overwatch, but at the cost of not being able to overwatch again this turn. Warhammer 40k Orks and more First Tau codex list Bork. And if you focus, you will have the same deadly results you had on previous editions. But more seriously, yeah, their morale does suck and it's an issue. The 2nd big FAQ changed a few things for the Tigershark. They're noticably cheaper, but have better overall survivability and usability. Smart wound allocation would have existed if drones had remained part of the squad, refer back to my point about the new rules being unnecessary. Oh, sure. Equip the Crisis suits with whatever is most effective against the target you expect to use them on (Burst Cannons for Hordes/GEQs, Cyclic Ion Blasters for MEQs and Fusion Blasters for TEQs and Vehicles), but make sure to leave one hardpoint free for a Drone Controller. Very Nice. Your standard Troops, etc. However, with the massive nerf to how markerlights worked, you need to bring twice as many to have a hope of accomplishing anything good. If it makes you feel any better, You technically already won this argument before it even began, since the rules you want are the ones GW implemented. – Guardian drones (Assuming they all didn’t run away last turn because, y’know, Night Lords.). Even in the light of the devastating Damocles Gulf Crusade they gave only inches, and have turned their hardship into reason to push harder and higher. Anyone better at deciphering that pixelated fuzz than me? That leaves you with essentially 6 x 2 for 12 damage on average, and a 1/6th chance for additional DD3 mortal wounds (which can also be saved by void shields). Note that the CIB is only superior to the Burst Cannon when you are overcharging it. Her shield drones have been replaced with a single Advanced Guardian Drone that gives models within 3" a, Longstrike only needs 1 token to fire his seeker missiles at full BS and can reach that +1 to hit that much faster, so, Can now buff the Forge World Hammerheads, as everyone's keywords changed to. Also note that units that use a recon drone or homing beacon to perform a “low altitude drop” technically receive this benefit. 1) Which specific drones does it undermine the use of? 2) With the new rules regarding deployment and shooting the closest target, it does a little. Use the farsight enclaves ability for +1 bs on deep strike, and get some markerlight support. I think he ends up being a more cost efficient than crisis suits. Only reason to take pathfinders instead is for marker lights which objective camp, which is a pretty fair choice so it definitely seems like both will get use. Deep strike them in and burn anything that looks at you funny. * facepalm *. It is Strength 10 and AP-4, that ensures that the vehicles with Sv 3+ or lower (and Sv 3+ is what most tanks or even such mighty war engines like Reaver battle titans have) get NO armour save at all. It can also be used to keep your dudes safe from enemy shooting if you pop out of LoS blocking terrain, shoot, then hide again but this isn't all that great most of the time since you're still wasting a command point by doing that, and good lists you're up against are going to have artillery, fast units that will run down anyone hiding (in which case you've just ruined your Overwatch) or they'll be tough enough/numerous enough that hiding after shooting them is effectively a waste of a CP. Farsight is, of course, your warlord and can handle business on his own, but will work well when in CC with the onager gauntlet or the fusion blades and is best suited to attacking TEQ. So Farsight set out with another huge fleet and a trio of Ethereals to repair the damage and take back planets. Breachers are pretty much the best unit to accompany with Darkstrider, as they will wound T4 (in other words: MEQ) units within 10" on a 2+ with Darkstrider's debuff, or wound T5 targets such as bikes (or squishy Eldar/Dark Eldar skimmers, making Breachers surprisingly good tank killers against them) within 10" on a 3+. Can't remember and my eyes hurt too much to squint again lol. And then they probably just hostage the kroot, and you're in a worse spot than having broadsides touched. Tau civilisation is based around a rigid system of castes, each relating to the four elements of nature - fire, water, air and earth - which dictate a Tau's particular role within their society, be it warrior, bureaucrat, pilot or worker. Because you like shooting and battlemechs, and being an optimist in a crapsack universe. And when a Ghostkeel loads up on fusion weapons and can no longer defend itself from the small guys, the Stealth suits help it with their burst cannons, maybe gun drones and even fusion guns of their own. Going to want to keep those drone units small, which really means Tau armies are going to be ripe pickings for victory point missions. Considering AM Ratlings got the JSJ special rule written into them, i.e. WTF man! Oh, and not that I care much, but why does a half wounded hammerhead have D3 attacks? Now your Drones hit on 3's and the suits on 2's with rerollable 1's for both, and the Crisis suits reroll failed wounds. Take Stealth Suits to actually bother to try and objective grab. It's probably a good point to keep him tucked away until you get a chance to shoot since he can move and ignore the penalty due to the +1 to hit. True, it hits really hard but most savvy players will be aware of this and target it first. I'm not going to go so far as to say they're great or anything, but at only 15 pts a pop (and no? Since Battalions are cheap and easy to make for Tau, you should at least have 2 in your list, this will give you a whopping 13 command points. The changes made to this army are HUGE, and while it shakes up the established order dramatically, it’s clear that Tau players have a good reason to go pre-order the new book, and will want to get their hands on it ASAP. If you're not worried about light vehicles and infantry hordes, it's a very viable choice. I love its looks and that it was the first real centerpiece model that tau got. Unfortunately I haven't time to read the other codexes. FAQ gave them the codex Tau Drone Saviour Protocols and these are 3 wound models, so rather than dying when they save people, these can save up to 3 models before being destroyed. Basically I just like units that can do multiple things at once. Seeing a Commander with three Burst Cannons and a Missile Pod go to town on some infantry would be hilarious. All Tau Fortifications retain the Sept rule, so they benefit from their Sept Tenets. Even on the premiere Bor'Kan unit, the Y'Vahra, not only do you now have to determine which of the weapons you're re-rolling, you'll still waste a CP 1/4 of the time you use the stratagem.

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