sims 3 tragic clown curse cure

I think Tragic Clown committed suicide and drowned himself because a man killed his fiancée by stabbing her and then the guy bought a painting and Tragic Clown came out of it and zapped him with a curse and he made the man feel so bad about what he had done he jumped off a cliff.~ MinkeyB, I don't know if this has been said, so sorry if I am repeating someone - I think that the Tragic Clown in The Sims 3 is an impersonater and could possibly be fantasied about how the real Tragic Clown died. Nickols12345, I think that the tragic clown is deceased in both games, but he lives trough the painting in TS1.\, So if he is alive through Ambrosia, who made it...and if someone made it, why would they give it to a creepy looking clown. Thats what i see in my view. One day, she decided that they weren't compatible outlook-wise and broke up with him. It is preferable to have at least 1 square of open space around the station. Description. If he's called a Tragic clown he must be dead and has to haunt the living for all etarnity. His ghost hauts the copies of his painting and comes out when people are sad, so he can cheer them up. 2, Maxis forgot that The Sims 3 takes place before The Sims. After a while, Sonny the Tragic Clown arrived to the “house”. She just chased him to her pool area. Why you may ask? Angered by the depressing painting and the tiny amount, he trapped Tragic Clown's vengeful soul in the portrait. BECUASE THE CLOWN NEVER DIES!! maybe he was brought back to life with I-Dunno-What. 10: Midas Touch: $1627: Gold, Yellow Sapphire, Luminous Salamander Please help me!! Find Sims 3 cc in SimsDay. As the sims 3 is a prequel to the sims this means that the Tragic Clown died in sims 3 and somebody painted a memorial painting and his depressed spirit went to live in it. Perhaps he drowned in his own tears. Making everyone in the library cry or something. He died, and that why hes always crying. In TS 3, Tragic Clown used his life savings and he found a hotel in Sunset Valley to settle down in. Marissa is the tragic clown. Because, if he's dead, then that would make him so depressed. Origin of the Tragic Clown: A clown costume in a bottle! So you might not need a painting at all. Since he's dead in the sims 3 and is a ghost too, and since if u have the painting of him in ts1 thats the only time he'll come out, so that means the the tragic clown in the sims 1 is a ghost aswell, and is the same clown as before. Sunny was a really rich guy.One day his buisness went bankrupt and he was really poor. Alas, all he can do is mope around with the depressed person he's trying to cheer up, being the clumsy man that he is who can't actually juggle, especially if the depressed person lived in a messy home, being the neat person that the Tragic Clown is. I just started a game in Moonlight Falls Sims 3. He got very upset because of all of the heat and preasure, like from Mortimer Goth. Sunny the Clown was always a very cheery guy with a very depressed girlfriend. (P.S. He escaped, but the water had scared him so much he drowned in his own tears. Warning: May cause depression. The Social Worker took him away by the time his family attempted suicide and told him to "Do what Mommy does with her knife.". Favorite Answer. Hi! Hi guys! Someone paintes a picture in his memory. Before he died he painted a picture of himself. Cure Elixir Magical afflictions vanish without affecting supernatural powers. Ok, so as a devout Sims 3 player, I have found myself finding new Sims 3 content every time I fire up the game. Sunny started smoked when he turninto a young adult, the proper age. Maybe, The TS3 Tragic clown had a son and after he died, the TC's son became the new clown so he could carry on the family tradtion. I've just gotten that as an opportunity, but I don't know where to find it. Since the picture was sad everybody got depressed when they looked at it. Once placed, Sims can now start learning t… He cried and drowned in his many tears (or slipped and fell into a pool). And i agrree with the guy above me too. Once his parents threw him in pool and cussed him out (in the sim language) saying they hated him and that he was worthless and were going to kill him. At one house, a woman was so frightened of him she ran away. This man in the bunny suit became the " Social Bunny " and soon drove Tragic Clown out of business. Its similar to the maid in the sims 2 PSP. To find the tragic clown fish you can find it in the ocean. Sunny's family did all of the above. I think that the tragic clown from The Sims is not the same that the one from The Sims 3. That made him feel sad and when the portrait of him has been made, it made him feel angry, because he throught that it was made to laugh at him, not for a memory of him, so he started coming to the houses and scarying the people that had it. ~ {Darkone}. I had a sim get Curse of Unwarranted Hostility. Finaly, when the deppresed Sim chears up, the soul of the Clown is returned and branded a failure. Instead he feeds of sorrow instead of fear. He bought new clown clothing and his criminal friend, often abused the laws of science, and did him a favor. The Social Bunny was a huge success, and in time everyone forgot about the clown family...the end :D. You know what is kinda stupid for the Tragic Clown? The Clown-Catchers are Ghostbusters, but they named it Clown because Sunny always escapes. Getting up still dazed he walked out to the pool deck and lost his footing and fell in the pool. He is hydrophobic in Sims because that's how he died, by drowining. When he painted a self portrait everyone loved it and bought millions of copies. Since the Grim Reaper seems to enjoy the misfortune of other (as mentioned when he resurects Sims with the loser or unlucky traits), he may have binded the clown to the memorial paintings and split his soul into millions. Mwuhahaha! Post hypothetical theories here. edit to above story: oh, the clown catchers take away the painting, thus the clown catchers are actually counted as a way to totally get rid of his memory, unless of course if the sim is foolish enough to buy another of those paintings. But what they didn't was that by copying the painting, they also copyed his soul. ~MadiCullen, The Tragic Clwon ****ed in The Sims 3, and then someone painted a picture in his memory, so the Tragic Clown saw the pictures and it made him even more depressed. He FAKED his death in sims 3, and in sims 1, he PRETENDED to be a clown making people happy, while all the time, he was hoping that nothing happened to his painting! He exists but in a sort of half-life. That may make no sense, but oh well! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When they have the painting set up, a bell will ring, and a portal will open. The tragic clown was a man who was never taken seriously because of his bizarre ways, his stupidity, his clumsiness, and his poverty which led him to never make it to medical school. Either way, I'm just glad he's in some way back. Then with the discovery of Ambrosia in TS3 someone resurrected him, meaning he was still alive during TS. He got pushed in by Mortimer Goth because he was fed up with the clown. The Sims Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. So much better than the bunny from 2! 1. It's just like the Therapist/Shrink/Whatever he's called in TS2. He is like Freedy Kruger, an Evil undead thing thing that. If you wish you can disregard this completely, but in my game I associated him with the late Big Steve Underwood, my epitaph for the clown reads: "Never annoy Big Steve when he's hungry..." while Big Steve's states: "Big Steve was promptly hanged after he killed the clown" So I supposed something along those lines could be the fate of that dad-burned clown. She gave him a picture to help ease the pain, but she accidentaly had painted her tragicness onto his face. Until someone attacks, there isn't a visual or anything. 3. This boy is the Tragic Clown from The Sims 1. The Real clown is dead like in sims 3 but his son comes out to get his revenge to make people even more sad. Find a Wishlist: Home > My Page Goodies. I've always wanted to know the story of the tragic clown in the Sims 4. Furious, he cursed every copy of the painting ever made, so that, whenever a Sim looked at the painting and felt lonliness and sorrow, a phantom of the Tragic Clown would arise and feed off those emotions/make them feel worse. The Tragic Clown must have died in the Sims 3 and came back to haunt the painting that was made in loving memory of him. Eventully he was caught and executed, and to add to punishment, they had a witch bind his soul into a painting who they buried it so nobody could even see him. He is then destroyed and reconstructed to reset his memory to straight after he died. I think that Tragic Clown doesn't actually exist, and like Social Bunnies, are the insanity/depression/hallucination of the Sims when they are lonely. The curse of the tragic clown is a elixir which you can make or buy from the elixir shop. When the Tragic Clown found out they were being sold he went back to haunt every painting of him and came out only when someone was depressed so he could make them as depressed as he had been when the he first painted the portrait. Ok how about this he was alive in TS1 and died in TS2 and his grave is made in TS3 and his son toke over somewhere in TS3. But as something I like fantasy, let's imagine he got revived on, I think that the TS3 Tragic Clown did die. Their presence will sadden other Sims, giving them a -25 mood hit. The sink began to gush water and then Tragic Clown got frightened. Everyone hated it and laughed at him. Buy SimPoints. The Sims 3 TC had an adopted son and he had the same traits as his Father and became the Sims 1 TC. I believe the second theory by the previous contributor. TS3 Tragic Clown died drowned in a dunk-tank which also explains his hydrophobic trait. I think that if you create a female tragic clown than you might have a chance of reserecting him you. I love using Alchemy to abuse this moodlet every so often. I believe both clowns are the same. Drowning = Water. The painting portals would only work when someone near it was extremely miserable, however. Maybe he died by a fire. So, whenever a sad Sim looks at him, he tries his best to not make them suffer his pain. After he got a job as a clown that went to people's houses and did parties, every one gave him a bad review and after Sunny had enough and read every single one, he had drowound in his own tears. This is the traggic clown you can also be him if you have the ghost oppertunity bring his remains to the scientist and you can be him She gave him a clown "do", jokingly. Hoping that he can at least do something right, he haunted every picture with his spirit and appeared whenever he saw someone weep. 2. Although I don't personally ascribe to the continuity theory of the three Sims games, he's haunting the painting in Sims 1 after he's dead in Sims 3, which is why he appears when you have the painting. So in his honor they had put it up for sale with many copies. I'll teach you all about making your own Witch and all you need to know to get the most of this new Supernatural type. And he haunts all the pictures and tried to put everyone else through his misery. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And because he is a clown whenever sims are sad he goes and tries to cheer them up. He was awesome. Sims in the same room will get a negative moodlet. I think in TS3, Mortimer Goth pushed the Tragic Clown into a pool, not knowing he didn't know how to swim, so the clown died. It's not the same Tragic Clown, because in the Sims, his name is Sunny the Tragic Clown, you would think his traits would be: Clumsy, Over Emotional, Light Sleeper, No sense of Humor, either Loser, Unlucky, or Slob. Simple explenation, the way Tragic Clown needs a painting to show up, and the way the clown catchers take him away suggests he is some kind of spirit or ghost. -electrostorm350 (not logged in). Tragic Clown Fish. Since he was hydrophobe, he drowned. He will go through in and waltz into thier house, juggling knifes and thoroughly failing. The Sims 3: World Adventures [edit | edit source]. maybe he was never alive maybe was a supernatural entity is bound to the painting, a) he might have eaten ambrosia b) someone may have liked the tragic clown (but if we know who that is we will burn his house for liking him) and painted a paiting of him in ts1. After he became a young adult, his friends, his parents, his brothers and his fiancè attended a funeral service for Lolita Goth. Maybe the painting was his once upon a time and that's why he haunts it in The Sims. ~Peramia, He died in TS3, then either, he is a ghost and comes through the painting in TS1, or the time is waaayyyy in the future, they gave him Ambrosia, and they gave him the power to go through paintings, but the machine to do that is destroyed so no one else could use it. He’s basically a miserable clown that comes to your house if your sims are too miserable for an extended amount of time. I believe that the tragic clown in the sims was a figment of your sims imagination like the social bunny and the tragic clown in the sims 3 is the real thing. He painted a sad picture and paid two simolians to Reaper. The Sims 1 came before sims 2 and 3. Get Todays Deal! Really.). Picture please? He tries to make people happy, instead of sad like the graveyard, but everyone and everything reminded him of his loved ones. A subreddit for all those who play and love The Sims games! 1. I think he died in sims 3 and in sims 1 he turned into chucky (a doll that comes to life and kills you? The Clown will suffer -40 mood for the duration - a nasty curse. It really explains why he's a ghost in TS3 despite TS3 being a prequel to the original The Sims. But there was a glitch in the Meter, and it found the depession of the clown in the painting {which his girlfriend had made many copies of and sold}.He found many other depressed sims along the way, and as a clown, felt it was his duty to cheer them up, but he was so sad from the loss of his girlfriend that he couldn't tell a joke to save his life. I think the clown in The Sims 3 is the dad of the clown in The Sims 1. If they sold it, he goes off looking for it, and if they burn it, he realises that it's a fake, so he goes off and looks for the real one If the sim is happy, he feels that he HAS to leave. Simple. His wife could have been a fun loving woman, and maybe she thought he needed more happiness and joy in his life. A couple days later he was cooking some T.V. Attempting to regain conciousness, Tragic Clown realized he was in water and scared himself into being in a paralyzed state, soon taking in enough water to stop him from breathing. While normal in appearance, these Occult Sims possess great magical power and can harness it to bless other Sims, curse them, or perform rituals. What I think is, before The Sims 3, Sunny had a job as a clown but he was terrible at it, so everyone was mean to him and made his life a misery. The Sims Wiki's Featured Article for December, 2012 A werewolf is a life state that appears in The Sims: Makin' Magic, The Sims 2: Pets, The Sims 2 for PlayStation Portable, and The Sims 3: Supernatural. The Tragic Clown is a ghost in the Sims 1! He later slipped and fell into a pool, and since he had a hydrophobic trait, he couldn't swim so he drowned. Cures any magical debuffs, and permanently reverses any sort of magical race. HE HAS HYDROPHOBIA!!!! His adoptive father was sterile, and the mother was infertile. The Sims™ 3 Store Daily Deal! There were pictures made in memory of him by an artist, which were, in turn, bought by other depressed sims who needed some cheering up. Sims would fist fight her out of nowhere for no reason. Although magic isn't a job skill, its benefits and abilities come predictably. In TS 2, his friend got a bunny suit and was inspired to do the same of what Tragic Clown did. Duh, it's obvious that the Tragic Clown was pretending to be a ghost then at 12:00am he takes off his disguise and turns into a doll. I think that the clown in the sims 3 is an ancestor to the one in the sims 1. because he is a sad clown. She will force others to laugh 'til it hurts, which will be immediately. Because he is a hydrophobe who can't swim, he drowned. The Tragic Clown in Sims 1 and Sims 3 is the same. Desde espectáculos a divertidas atracciones para toda la familia, ¡"Le Cirque Tragic Clown" tiene todo lo necesario para saltar al centro de los focos! Then, in TS2, his son probably had the same fate as his father, which is why he was replaced with the Social Bunny. At one of the parties, an artist had made a painting of him for some odd reason (Probobly wanted to show every one how sad he looked) and sold it, and Sunny was (I think) mad at the people who bought the painting because they were the people who hired him (some were not) so now he hauntes every one of those paintings in hope of making every depressed person who owns one of those paintings even more depressed. Artists' share photos and custom contents here. About the whole painting/clown thing, the painting may be a beacon for his Teleporter and like the Mariachis in "Sam & Max episode 204-Chariots of the Dogs" he arrives when people are feeling miserable (opposed to making birthdays) to try to cheer them up (how someone like him got the 75,000 points necessary is unknown. In many ways, Mummies in The Sims 3: World Adventures resemble zombies from The Sims 2.Normally, mummies are NPCs, though playable mummies can be summoned from canopic jars or a regular Sim can be turned into a playable Mummy by sleeping in the Cursed Sarcophagus of the Kings.In The Sims 3: Supernatural, Sims can mix or buy … But he became depressed so he killed himself, leaving his only family member alone. Anonymous. By the way TS3 son I belevie was adopeted. I have three theories. His only weakness is fire because that's how he died. In another 25 years to improve his social skills and sense of humor, he takes on another form as a bunny, getting rid of his erstwhile clown image. The grave in Sims 3 belongs to a senior member who is brutally murdered in the middle of carrying out his duty. So some wacky scientists decided to get a Tribute painting of him and suck his spirit in the painting with Ghostbusters so he wouldnt terrorize anyone, but realized he could come out of the painting, which led to him appearing near depressed sims. I think you're onto something with that. *Maybe it will be possible to resurrect him... if it is, I sure will. 2. After his death, Sunnys mum got remarried and had a son named Sunny in Sunny 1sts honor. they felt that they weren't worthy any more and commited suicide, and in the netherworld, they apoligized, but the grim reaper said it was to late for them now. Possibly trapped in a limbo between life and death. His clothing and other looks are very different between the two (TS3 he looks like a clown, TS1 he looks like a hobo with a dirty, ripped up one-piece PJ) so he may have lost everything somehow just before TS1 took place. That's why in TS1 he is living and he is not there in TS2. SAD, the tragic clown will thank the painter for his kindness and help the living with their social problems. Thing is, ... but when I used the transportalate spell to get to the magical realm my sim turned to a tragic clown. Perhaps, after he was buried, a painting of him was made, and honored him as the worst clown ever. Inbetween TS1 and TS2, the Tragic Clown time traveled before the times of TS3, perhaps to change something that made his life tragic. Eventually, some people working with the paranormal worked to destroy the portals, but more paintings kept being made. He lived happily with his family, but thoughts of his past haunted him. Then, a witch read an old World Record book (Record for Worst Clown) and wanted to resurrect the clown, making him think he could have another chance at making people happy, when, in reality, she wanted to make people miserable. Fire and water are opposites, don't you see? If you purchased a digital version of The Sims 3 (base game, expansion pack, or stuff pack) from Origin, your game is automatically registered to your account. He died of drowning... something doesn't make any sense plus the factor that somehow he has to come back to life in the Sims! He drowned, then got so depressed he binge-eaten ambrosia. It might sound really bad but that's my theory.--HanaGoth96 22:37, February 16, 2013 (UTC). He was at a pool party. One picture in TS3 shows him being pushed in a pool. I see, that I'm not the only one thinking, that Tragic Clown from The Sims is a ghost of the one in The Sims 3. So the Tragic Clown died by drowning. It has a picture of a sad looking clown and says the following: Tragic Clown Marissa has been cursed with … Dinner then he heard the sound of a faucet. Witches return to The Sims franchise with Supernatural. He stumbled out of his flooded room and slipped down the stairs. But, when he camed, he forgot about how he feels about the owners of the house and he just walked there alosne, being sad. Sunny was living in a REALLY BAD neighborhood. yeah :^D he died your way, by drowning, but the explanation of the sims is that he's a ghost.I never had the tradgedy clown or the painting( i was about 6 when i first played the sims and thought paintings a total waste of money-they are though! He was adopted by a proper family. Even then, the only thing that he can do to make others happy is to become the object of insult. The Clown will suffer -40 mood for the duration - a nasty curse. And comes out when he sees people are sad, cause he is a clown just a very terrible clown. According to the page this should be over in two days! I just started a game in Moonlight Falls Sims 3. maybe his lifetime wish was being a clown). So being the dork (and wannabe hero due to reading too many comic books, being easily impressed by the superheroes) that he is, some jerks pushed him to the pool. His son probably followed his father's steps into become a clown in TS1, and only came when they had a picture of him. There is a clown club dedicated to cheering sorrowful Sims. However, one day somebody dug up his grave and found the painting then they decided to make millions of copies to sell to people who were depressed because clown are suppose to cheer people up. of course he's going to mope around when he. Ugh... Obviously, he died by drowning since his ghost is blue. Everyone got rid of their painting and burned them while Sunny escaped and became missing, as shown on the notice on a milk carton in The Sims 2. Red Valerian, ... Bottled Mummy Curse (requires The Sims 3 World Adventures) The curse of a mummy in a convenient, easy to carry bottle. This freaky little clown dude, that's always sad and brings every sim down with him. Mortimer probally, with his science equipment, decided to make everyone young again so he could restart because of Bella being abducted. Maybe she died or left him, (I think death would be better) which is why he became a clown. the ghost is a after-image.--. The Sunset Valley graveyard blew up, and all his loved ones died in a place of sadness. I for one think that he's alive in the Sims in a way, but he has a connection with his painting, the painting revives him so he can help depressed, explaing why when the painting is burnt he leaves, the painting links him to the house, explaining why when selling the painting he leaves, and when he is happy he leaves because he has nothing left to do. Zombies spawn on the full moon (If you're lucky) can be created through potions and I … TS3 is a PREQUEL to TS1, so he may have eaten the ambrosia, thus being alive in TS1. Actually, there is a painting of him In TS3 downloadable for free off the sims 3 store @ the website. He'd been pushed by the quarterback who was trying to catch the football. When everything in his home was removed, they made copies of his painting and sold it all over town. (this may not fit in with the information about Sunny)When Sunny was a kid he was doing badly in school and when he grew up and got a job at the hospital, he got fired the same day he was hired and became very depressed, because he thought that he would never be able to fulfil his wish to become a world renown surgeon. The only thing he ever did to make people happy in his life is to drown. Apparently, Sunny the Tragic Clown is dead by the Sims 3, but he is still alive in The Sims. Then Tragic Clown drowned, so maybe some scientists picked him for one of their wacko expiraments and brought him back to life with Ambrosia. He has to linger and annoy people for eternity---the uiltimate tortured soul. Could it be that he died--but almost not quite--and is chained to his own portrait until the end of eternity. )but i read on a cheat website that you if you put a wall around him he just walks through it WALKING THROUGH WALLS=abnormal=ghost get me? One day in Sunset Valley he was at a girl's house trying to cheer her up. He was arrested and no one heard from again. Le Cirque Tragic Clown by yoselin1 - The Exchange - Community - The Sims 3 He'd been pushed with a force so high that he could have jumped over the swimming pool, But at the moment of truth, the slightest bit of water landed on him and he fainted, had a coma, and died. He has the fear to fall in the water, but when someone finaly sunk him, he unfortunately died. Probably before TS3, he had a wife and a son. I'm a bit of a reddit noob tbh, I don't know how to add pictures it only let's me edit the text. Origin of the Tragic Clown: $836: Any Insect, Mycenas, Tragic Clownfish: Learned from Recipe Book. I think that (before TS3) Sunny ran out of money and became a clown, because that was the only job he could qualify for anymore, after his failures. Some relatives of his found out (quite late) and resurrected him. Find friends, and even find amazing artists here. Think about nervous subject from TS2 as well. I think that the painting is made up of some kind paint which causes weird gas and so when it is placed in the house people Hallucinate and see the man in the painting. It is a 3x2 object, so find a space that is large enough to place the alchemy station in. Then he feeds off of the sadness of Sims, and he can resurrect himself with their own pain. I believe the Tragic Clown in TS3 is the same as the one in TS1. Perhaps he got on the nerves of the Grim Reaper so that instead of passing back into the spirit world he would be spiritually chained to the painting. I think that when the Tragic Clown was late at night near the pool in Sunset Valley, a teenager was there. He also shared the first name Sunny. Here is one long reason. In The Sims, when his picture catches on fire, he disappers. TS Tragic Clown is a completely diferent clown. Maybe he thinks whoever has his picture killed him? But then, all hope isn't lost for him yet. The Clumsy and Loser traits may explain his bad skills. The third theory: Tragic means something bad happened to him, and catching the painting on fire kills him so it is just a strange ghost. He made everyone young and the time went into the past to when Most adults in Sims 1 and 2 are Kids. Only the Sim that needs him can see him because he's a ghost (or, maybe in the Therapist's case, a hallucination or something...Ironic, no?). They treated him like a poisionious snake. the ashes are a side-effect and the urn is a beacon. He could have drowned in that pool, which made his ghost hydrophobic. Think the Mona Lisa in Sarah Jane Adventures. He spends his time walking around trying to do tricks that fail miserably, crying, coughing like a guy who smokes 3 packs a day and pissing off your sims. Tragic Clown Part of the Sims 1 project, quite a creepy character. (Just kidding. He then decided to paint a self-portrait of himself which he kept at home. I believe the Second one =P. However, he never fully recovered and died somehow before TS2. Sunny went looking for her using a device called the Tragic-o-meter would tell him the depression level of houses he went to. I think he fails on purpose because making people miserable acually makes him happier. The only way to get him off the house of the depressed sim would be burn the object that he haunts with his spirit (painting) or simply to just get rid of the painting in any way. I think EA messed up big time when making TS3 a prequel from TS. He is and always was a ghost. Transforms a Sim into a Tragic Clown for 24h. He escaped and assumed his now forty year old son and once again died, this time by drowning in the bathtub. Their presence will sadden other Sims, giving them a -25 mood hit. Then, restored, he had no money or education so he had to become a low-paid clown again. (Maybe there's a painting of him in TS3?). Someone painted a painting in his honor, and then he was sucked into the painting, depressed as ever. Also, since he is a spirit after all, the clown catchers can only take him away temporarily. Hence he is already dead. Sunnys sort-of dad was also a tragic clown. Before the Sims 3, **** head was a bankrupt young man with no family or friends, so he became a clown, the only job he could catch. It works like a genie in a bottle except you have to be sad to make it work. He was sent straight to the ER where he died, but not before he entrusted his depressing powers to his unborn son. He also could walk through objects. The Sims 3--where to find the Tragic Clown fish? He slipped on his tears and fell in the pool but he didn't know how to swim so he drowned. Think Beetlejuice. That gave him hydrophobia. Sunny started to cry at the side of the pool. Being a Hydrophobe, he suffered a heart attack. He slipped on the wet ground and drowned in the pool. Maybe someone gave him a serving of Ambrosia, thus explaining his revival. When the Tragic Clown came out, they kidnapped him, thus explaining his disappearance in TS2. As for the clown, He is depressed because he could not kill people anymore, so he proceded to just annoy people instead. His parents "Wished that we'd cherished him more...". Whether your Sims have caught this colorful fish, or you're a big fan of this cute guy - let this badge tread into the waters of your My Page.

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