pokemon go little cup meta

Type – Steel, Psychic; Weakness – Fire, Dark, Ground, Ghost To a lesser extent, ML PC.It’s difficult to make a team without at least one of the top 3 (Dnite, Kiss, Mgross), and if you limit Zone, snorlax, and Gary (the next tier) as well, your team will mostly crumble to meta teams. No Bronzor? Wynaut is going to be good though. I went 19-4-1 today running Daru, Cottonee(charm) A-Meowth (bite). With the popularity of Deino and Cottonee, Seel has risen as the counter to these 2 out of 3 most popular pokemon in Little Cup. I noticed that the Premier/themed cups have similar 'tiers', because the restrictions reduce the available counters for each Pokemon. Close. Depending on that, I would use my Flying Pikachu or some of the cute costumed ones which have no other realistic use. A guide to the best picks in the Pokemon Go Premier Cup. Cottone and Deino are tier 1, but damm Bronzor and Wynaut are definitely tier 0, only ban bronzor please that thingbis too strong, Shelmet pretty much walls all 3 of them btw. So nothing too much to lose if Little Cup doesn’t become a thing in GBL after Season 5, because I eventually wanted it anyway for another league. Snorunt could be okay. Season 5 has begun and Little Cup is here. You need a low level account. … So, that means no Venusaur and Swampert on the same team for example. It is one of the strongest Pokemon for the Cup and many players will use it. I would rather not spend 75k dust for Nincada that would have no use outside of Little Cup. Drifloon is interesting because it can easily beat Bronzor, but Drifloon 2nd move 75k. Poliwag/Wooper with Mud Shot, Body Slam and Mud Bomb (2nd move costs 50,000, kinda meh), Drifloon with Hex, Shadow Ball, Icy Wind (Definitely would replace this if 75,000 is too much), Bulbasaur with Vine Whip, Power Whip, Sludge Bomb (Easily the cheapest one, and the most relevant one out of the bunch), I’ll try to add more that I like among the ones in this thread when I have more free time. Shame that so many of these Pokemon are so hard to come across while animation week is on, though--I've seen precisely one Seel, and it was over the cap. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The difficult part is actually hatching a munchlax… That's a good point. Challenge accepted. At L20 (from eggs, as all babies) its in the 900’s even if traded with super low IV’s. (Like how /u/Moving_Lights went from 2100 to 3000 in the Halloween Cup week alone using our top-recommended team, but YMMV.). GO Battle League and Silph Cups are the most popular way to pvp. So by using gobattlelog.com, you directly help our PvP community and improve the quality of PvPoke rankings! This makes some pseudo-legendaries such as Metagross, Garchomp and Dragonite some of the top picks due to their very high stats and strong movesets. Thanks PvPoke and ytxpikachu! And now that the meta has shaped up, 3 Pokemon have bubbled to the top in popularity. I think more will try Poochyena for 10k. Log In Sign Up. PVP. hide. What? Analysis. Since it’s mostly speculation right now as to whether the normal leagues are available, I wanted to make a separate topic that would showcase the different baby mons you could run in this league. The LC Information and Questions thread is a convenient directory of tips and guides as well as a place to ask questions pertaining the Little Cup metagame, how to play it, and so forth. Screw the gen 5 release. Premier Cup is like Master League but does not allow Mythical or Legendary Pokemon. My thread was intended to be for anything S5 related but whatever lol. Then, we taught it to use PvPoke's Battle Simulator to crunch the numbers for all possible matchups in Little Cup. Cookies help us deliver our Services.

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