gilberto lozano youtube

A third FRENA protest is scheduled for June 27 and 28. Poverty is produced and reproduced by the system to continue its maintenance. The conspiracy theory that the Sao Paulo Forum is controlling governments and social movements in South and even North America is increasingly popular in far-right circles. Gilberto Lozano in the US . Serious problems with claims by US-backed NGO and far-right researcher ‘led by God’ against Beijing, US and Colombian govts supported botched invasion of Venezuela: Bombshell testimony from coup-plotter, Biden admin’s coercive Iran policy threatens serious new regional crisis, How CENTCOM Chief McKenzie manufactured an Iran crisis to increase his power, Twitter Latin America coordinator exposed as right-wing operative, amid anti-AMLO social media purge, UN expert: crippling US sanctions on Syria are illegal and hurting civilians. In the revolution, revolutionaries were assassinated, the monarchy and the European dictatorships, were substituted by an oligarchy in the hands of 88 families. La Octava host Hernán Gómez Bruera, a popular mainstream Mexican journalist, asked Lozano how exactly the López Obrador government was driving Mexico toward communism, noting that AMLO never talks about socialism. In the video, Lozano claimed that pro-AMLO protesters were being paid by the government. Every citizens of the movement devotes around three hours a week to exercise their responsibility with power and agency. Under a revolutionary process that he calls the Fourth Transformation, he is fighting systemic corruption and rampant theft of public resources, while boosting social benefits for the poor. Mozimismo is not a real ideology; it is fictitious term made up by trolls. Lozano founded and directs the influential National Citizen Congress (Congreso Nacional Ciudadano, or CNC), a group of oligarchs who claim to be apolitical, but who aggressively lobby for right-wing neoliberal policies, as part of their plan to create a “new Mexico”. On his Facebook page, where he posts non-stop anti-AMLO propaganda and has nearly 13,000 followers, Abascal says he worked as a “leader for human development projects” for restaurant and hotel chains, the Jalisco state’s finance ministry, and Pemex, the Mexican state-owned oil company. Yesterday at 7:42 AM. Correspondingly, it has pushed for aggressive measures to topple left-wing governments in Latin America, backing numerous coups. FRENA represents one of the most extreme – and also elite – opposition groups in Mexico. I am waiting for this call or audience with Mr. Landau, — Gilberto Lozano (@gilbertolozanog) May 27, 2020. We do not choose our leaders, all the system is a well fabricated façade (FASAD) by the corrupted, unresponsive, unaccountable political parties and their members. The top state of residence is Texas, followed by California. Today a revolution is being engineered all over the country. Martín Bringas appears to have been kicked out of FRENA on May 17, however, according to the website. It claims that “for security purposes this is a draft of a detailed plan to save Mexico from a communist tyrant” (any emphasis with capital letters is from the website): In the same section on the FRENA website, visitors can learn about US government-backed “color revolution” mastermind Gene Sharp and obtain a free copy of his soft-coup manual, From Dictatorship to Democracy, which is accessible as a Spanish-language PDF or audiobook. Although AMLO had not yet taken power, Lozano shrieked that the left-wing leader would turn Mexico into a “corrupt killer dictatorship” with no toilet paper, as he portrayed Venezuela. Abascal also helped lead an ultra-conservative NGO that calls itself Family, Force of the Future. Where do we want to go? Some examples of the cells’ contribution: They have exercised their will and their role as chiefs and have get rid of unnecessary tax increases, have made penal accusations to deputies and corrupt politicians, support laws towards the acceptance of independent candidates to run for public posts, citizen congress in Nuevo Leon, Sonora, Baja California, Colima among others have influence law making and function as observers and evaluate politicians outcomes. The president of a country is an employee not the owner of a country. Thank you very much. One section of website is titled “Mexico Sao Paulo Forum Communist Plan.” Here, the anti-AMLO Front argues that the mere presence of López Obrador’s Morena party at the left-wing event – an annual conference bringing together progressive organizations from across Latin America – in Cuba in 2018 means that the administration intends to make Mexico a communist country. The oligarch’s extreme, far-right views have led many Mexicans to compare Lozano to Donald Trump or to Brazil’s fascistic leader Jair Bolsonaro. They are all emotional and psycho-sexual deformities caused by inadequate parents and the toxic environment in which children were raised.”. And its explicitly stated goal is to force AMLO to step down as president by November 2020, well before the next scheduled presidential elections in 2024. On its website, FRENA also maintains a “Gallery of the Communist Dictatorship”, which is a name and shame collection of AMLO supporters, including unflattering pictures of current cabinet members, politicians, journalists, and intellectuals. Alongside Gilberto Lozano, the FRENA website lists Pedro Ferriz de Con, Rafael Loret de Mola, and Juan Bosco Abascal. He is the assistant editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with editor Max Blumenthal. And the oligarch has a penchant for dramatic flair, posing in front of a statue of an angel armed with a club, or holding up a tray with a caricature of AMLO’s face. Visita de #AMLO a Nuevo León exhibe gobierno estilo Nicaragua y Venezuela. The oligarch leveled more than 20 accusations against AMLO. His website is and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton. Juan Bosco Abascal has made his fundamentalist religious views very clear in lengthy video rants on Facebook and YouTube, in which the prominent anti-AMLO opposition figure frequently cites the Bible to explain how the “universal Free Masons” are trying to establish a “New World Order” and create a “world government” by using the international drug trade and mass media. A community that regained their self-determination, retained their autonomy and decided to vote openly for their representatives and get rid of the corrupt politicians and their political parties. The leaked Broad Opposition Bloc document claimed that governors of 14 of Mexico’s 32 states support the opposition campaign. ¿ Esperando un milagro en las elecciones de Junio 6? Loret de Mola also made a video strongly endorsing FRENA, demonizing AMLO’s Fourth Transformation as the “Fifth Trap”, calling the López Obrador government a “farce”. A close look at the FRENA website reflects precisely the same kind of fascistic ideology that has spread across Latin America with the help of Washington. Rafael and Carlos Loret de Mola have diligently played the part of these anti-AMLO public intellectuals, spilling much ink criticizing the president. I offer few relevant insights about the Mexican actual context. Behind the myth of the West’s favorite Russian opposition figure, NY Times’ pseudo-expert accusing China of genocide worked for far-right cult Falun Gong’s publicity arm, Biden inaugural guest is Venezuelan coup leader charged with inciting violent assault on gov’t building, China detaining millions of Uyghurs? In the state of Jalisco, for instance, transit police vehicles were spotted sporting signs that said “Fuera (out) López Obrador”. Under AMLO, “We see that there is not, as there was in the past, at least an opportunity for the free market, free competition, respect for private property, for intellectual property, for industrial property”, Ferriz de Con declared. So to justify and maintain these changes, and to criticize any group or individual opposed to them, the Mexican right-wing dispatched a team of self-declared “intellectuals” to influence the public. Gilberto Lozano YouTube Statistics & Channel Analytics. Horizontal structure with a critical base of values and principles. We found 66 records in 17 states for Gilberto Lozano in the US., — Abraham Mendieta (@abrahamendieta) June 13, 2020. In a lecture at Canada’s McGill University in 2015, Lozano described the strategy of his National Citizen Congress in starkly Gene Sharpian terms: using a “horizontal structure” to build “power and agency.” Combining right-wing populist flair with libertarian and anarchist rhetoric, the oligarch claimed they were ushering in a new “revolution,” weakening and dismantling the state and government institutions in order to construct a decentralized society that ensures “self-determination” and “autonomy” for individuals. 1. Translated. Then, in the comments below, Lozano accused his critics of being bots and fake accounts run by López Obrador’s Morena party. Lozano and his National Citizen Congress also have extensive economic and political connections in the United States. In this movement we look for the power of self-determination and sovereignty and not to be part of the already corrupt system of parties and politicians. According to the official FRENA website, the group is organized in a top-down fashion, with a governing council comprised of 67 elites – although only four of these are publicly named. ASCOA was founded at the height of the Cold War by oligarch David Rockefeller, expressly in order to unite efforts by corporate oligarchs to crush the growing socialist movements in Latin America. The cover of the book employs textbook anti-Semitic imagery, displaying a Star of David caging the planet. Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. In Mexico, politicians have acquired a legal permit to steal from us. From being apathetical and servants of the politicians (in a highly clientelistic system) to become today the politicians’ bosses and regain our agency to instigate the changes we want to see. Lozano publishes indignant rants on YouTube, where his channel has nearly 150,000 subscribers, calling the elected president a would-be dictator and warning that “the communist agenda is advancing”. 1. US backs al-Qaeda in Yemen while dubbing its Houthi enemies ‘terrorists’. Stronger than political parties, stronger than government itself as it will represent the majority, because we are the POWER, they are the FORCE. There is no recording or transcript of this call anywhere. Pedro Ferriz de Con is an anti-AMLO journalist known for his propensity for hyperbolic statements, like claiming “the government has not had this many problems since the Mexican Revolution”. He was also the owner of the enormous convenience store chain Oxxo, as well as a distributor of numerous corporate brands, including Heineken. In 2019, Lozano and the National Citizen Congress helped organize anti-López Obrador demonstrations that were popularly derided at the time as “marchas fifí” – or “bougie marches”, in slang – because they were populated by wealthy upper-class Mexicans. Before AMLO’s presidency, the right-wing National Action Party (PAN) and neoliberal Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) both worked to make constitutional changes that privatized Mexico’s natural resources and state industries, resulting in private and international corporate involvement in the energy sector, particularly in oil and electricity. One of Abascal’s YouTube rants is titled “The feminazis are worse than the coronavirus,” and it has more than 20,000 views. El pasado domingo..., de acuerdo a mis observaciones de hechos y datos, califique que lo del Mandatario Nacional era una severa crisis (mayor a lo normal) de lagunas mentales que tienen que ver con su condición neurológica. Next, Lozano livestreamed a video on Facebook, from Houston, Texas, where the Mexican oligarch spoke with a fellow CNC member at a Pemex gas station. Alfaro also attracted national attention when it was revealed that he had paid more than 1 million Mexican pesos (nearly USD $50,000) of Jalisco state funds to outlets run by the prominent right-wing media personality Enrique Krauze to spread propaganda praising the governor. In an even more shocking YouTube rant, Abascal advises parents how to “cure” their LGBT children. Mexico shares with Canada the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in which there are plenty interests in diverse areas among them: economic development, and without any doubt, a migratory policy, this, and especially lately, the increase of Mexicans in Canada is mostly a product of a their own country plagued with impunity, corruption, poverty and violence. Supporters of AMLO also made their presence felt. México está de pie, NO TE QUEREMOS APRENDIS DE DICTADOR#FRENAAA #spacexlaunch #EstadosUnidosDesperto, — Soberano Bruno (@BrunoMoralesIs1) May 31, 2020. FRENA leader Gilberto Lozano intends to add Mexico to this list. ” Alone we are just a drop, united we are a Tsunami” Article thirty nine (39) of the constitution and basis for our independence is that “we the people are the power, we are the principal, the boss, the chief”. This point is particularly ironic, because Mexico’s center-left Party of the Democratic Revolution (Partido de la Revolución Democrática, or PRD) is also publicly listed as an official member of the Sao Paulo Forum, and the PRD has joined the opposition movement against AMLO. Even more intriguing is an event that Carlos Loret de Mola held with ASCOA two days after AMLO won the July 2018 presidential election. In the past, one other member of FRENA had been publicly disclosed: Pedro Luis Martín Bringas, a prominent shareholder in the Soriana Organization, a grocery store chain based in Gilberto Lozano’s hometown of Monterrey and one of the businesses granted a tax waiver under previous governments. National Citizens Congress is growing every day and soon we will see that a new citizenship is emerging to forge a better present and promising future for Mexico. In the first part of this investigative series, The Grayzone reported on the Broad Opposition Bloc (Bloque Opositor Amplio, or BOA), a coalition of opposition parties, corporate elites, and media outlets that are seeking to remove AMLO from power, and appear to have support in Washington and on Wall Street. Several of these right-wing governors encouraged and even supported FRENA’s anti-AMLO protests. Statistics data is updated every day via YouTube API and summarized by Stats.Video Not all of these oligarchs are publicly disclosed, however. These neoliberal reforms were extremely controversial, given public ownership of Mexico’s substantial fossil fuel reserves was enshrined in the country’s 1917 constitution, which was drafted during the Mexican Revolution. On his personal YouTube channel, Lozano published footage of Abascal endorsing the National Anti-AMLO Front. … These comments ignited a national scandal in Mexico, leading a group of citizens to bring a case against Ferriz de Con to the attorney general’s office. This far-right Mexican group modeled its demonstrations against AMLO after similar protests organized by the neo-fascist party Vox in Spain. In other words, it pushes a trickle-down spirituality. Me preguntan muchos que si YO se algo de AMLO. Abascal portrays leftist grassroots movements in Latin America, such as Venezuela’s Chavismo, as examples of this Satanic influence, citing Presidents Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro as symbols of his nefarious conspiracy. The group that organized these protests calls itself the National Anti-AMLO Front (Frente Nacional Anti-AMLO in Spanish), and uses the acronym FRENAAA, typically simplified to FRENA. This content isn't available right now. Despite the large demonstrations, Alfaro, the Jalisco governor, defended the arrest of Giovanni López. They also mirrored the protests held in the elite bastion of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, which set the stage for a military coup against the elected socialist President Evo Morales in November 2019. AMLO Y Su ... - YouTube State coordinators, City Coordinators, and cell coordinators, Weekly meetings to decide what do we have to do now. Upon the success of the first stage, to continue to prepare a UNIFIED candidate for the new elections, surrounded by all opposition parties as the SOLE desire OF THE MEXICAN PEOPLE. Although FRENA lacks a grassroots, working-class base, it has the support of some powerful elites. In just five years we have three thousand and nine citizens cells, with one point three million of registered participants all connected with each other. Lozano previously directed corporate giant FEMSA, the largest bottler of Coca-Cola in the world, and spent 16 years at the helm of the massive, multibillion-dollar multinational conglomerate the Alfa Group. Twelve thousand killings per year, five thousand forced disappearances and a corruption that position Mexico in the top five. The system of justice, processes only (.01) point zero one percent of the delinquency acts in a country that justice and injustice can be bought with money. Se puede leer este artículo en español aquí. In May 2019, Lozano and his National Citizen Congress brought an absurd criminal complaint before Mexico’s House of Representatives, formally accusing President López Obrador of treason. Supporters of AMLO mocked the FRENA protests for their small sizes. We think in a new paradigm of legislators, we need common people that do not live out of politics. Lecture from Gilberto Lozano at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada October 1st. FRENA leader Gilberto Lozano intends to add Mexico to this list. Another image went viral on Twitter of a humble working-class Mexican holding a sign saying “AMLO, here in Dzan, Yucatan we love you! We are the principal agents, we are focusing on the sovereignty of the organized people to build a real democracy and a genuine republic. We have no ideologies, just common sense. 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